Oaksterdam strives to represent all our products accurately, but accidentally mispriced products are still possible. If we discover an incorrectly priced item on order:
- We will either notify you of further instructions for items mispriced lower than the correct price before processing the order or cancel the order and refund your payment.
- We will charge you a lower fee for items mispriced higher than the correct price and fulfill the order.
Oaksterdam reserves the right to cancel a purchase if a requested item is out of stock or otherwise unavailable for sale. If Oaksterdam cancels an order, all payments are refunded. Purchases are subject to applicable taxes and do not include shipping and handling. All prices are in U.S. dollars.
All orders ship via the United States Postal Service. Orders shipped domestically usually arrive within two to four business days. An accurate shipping address and phone number are required. Your signature may be necessary for delivery. Because many events may occur at your delivery address beyond our control, you agree that any delivery confirmation provided by the carrier is sufficient proof of delivery to the cardholder, even without a signature.
Oaksterdam University Gift Shop does not accept returns or exchanges except for damaged or incorrectly shipped items. Damaged or incorrect items are eligible for an exchange for the correct item within 30 days of purchase. Returned items must be unused and unwashed. Refunds are only issued if Oaksterdam University cannot exchange for a comparable item and at Oaksterdam University’s discretion. Exchanges made due to an Oaksterdam University error will have the return shipping cost refunded. Please note: Oaksterdam University does not provide return shipping labels.
Return Address:
127 W Broadway St
Butte, MT 59701
Chargeback is a request made to a credit card company to reverse a charge. Chargebacks requested for transactions made in earnest create unnecessary expenses for Oaksterdam University. If you have a question or dispute about a purchase, contact our support team to obtain credit. You agree that you will not request a chargeback for a payment initiated by you without getting to Oaksterdam University.
Oaksterdam University Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
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